How can Scooploop benefit your business?

“I decided to join Scooploop as it’s a website for my local community and it’s free!” – Miranda, a member of Scooploop, runs a photography business and created a Scooploop for Business page that she soul runs. We asked Miranda about how Scooploop has helped with her photography business and how she feels about the community side of it.

Scooploop differs from other social media platforms, as we are a community driven site, this gives our business users a fantastic opportunity to connect and network with their local communities. Businesses have the chance to directly speak to other Scooploop users and businesses, thus allowing them to build rapport with current and new customers, as well as networking with other businesses. From this, you can get direct, fast feedback from them via your Scooploop business page. As Miranda explains, “Scooploop has helped me to advertise my business and display my images. People are aware of my photography and services.” By regularly posting content onto your page and on the business blog, allows you to promote yourself and highlight your skills and knowledge within your field, instead of just signing up as a standard business directory, you can engage with people and build rapport with them, making your business stand out from the crowd. Therefore, if you are not a social media guru and do not use it so much for your business, Scooploop can aid you to have a social media presence by using the platform directly, you have everything needed to boost your online presence, all in one place.

Scooploop community

The community aspect within Scooploop is a vital part of achieving our goal, by aiding small businesses and continuing in supporting them. Miranda explains, “I feel there is a strong sense of community on Scooploop for businesses. I feel that other businesses support each other.” By enhancing our Scooploop community, this helps and encourages small businesses to network whilst also, utilizing their business page as much as possible. By having another platform to use for your business, highlighting all the services provided, recommendations, useful content etc. will give your page more reliability and a higher chance of users seeing your page and wanting to use your services.

“Scooploop is a good way to know what is happening nearby in the local community,” Miranda states. This is a great opportunity for all small businesses and charities to branch out to their local community, reaching out to their audience in a different way compared to traditional brand awareness and marketing. We asked Miranda how she finds new business for her photography, she explained, “I find clients for my business by advertising in local magazines and newspapers, on social media, attending business networking meetings, delivering leaflets and leaving my business cards in cafes.” Your brand is important and if you are looking for new ways to advertise your company and its services, then using a new social networking tool, could be the perfect choice for you, along with the various other traditional avenues.

You can check out Miranda’s Scooploop business page here: